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Elektrik ve Elektronik > Devre Tasarım ve Üretimi

Implementing Digital Transmitter and Receveir Using FSK And PSK Working @100 MHz

Proje ID: #1259   |   Bütçe: Belirtilmemiş   |   Süre: Belirtilmemiş   |   Yayın: 2924 gün önce   |   Rapor : Evet
Implementing Digital Transmitter and Receveir Using FSK And PSK Working @100 MHzMerhaba arkadaslar, asagidaki projenin yapilmasini istiyorum, tesekkurler.
concept: Tranmitter using Frequency Shifting Keying (FSK) and Phase Shifting Keying (PSK) working only on 100 MHz, Receiver using Frequency Shifting Keying (FSK) and Phase Shifting Keying (PSK)working only @ 100 MHz
Abstract: Digital Communication is very important and it has a great superiority in terms noise especially when used with FSK and PSK. Final Year project includes implementing FSK and PSK receiver and transmitter working @ 100 MHz. It is necessary to use switch at the receiver and transmitter side which is used to switch between PSK and FSK. Transmitter using Frequency Shifting Keying (FSK) and Phase Shifting Keying (PSK) working only 100 MHz, Receiver using  Frequency Shifting Keying (FSK) and Phase Shifting Keying (PSK) working only on 100 MHz.
Required Equipment : Hardware (PCB electronic card), Antenna, Microphone one side, carphone at the other side.Implementing Digital Transmitter and Receveir Using FSK And PSK Working @100 MHz

Implementing Digital Transmitter and Receveir Using FSK And PSK Working @100 MHz

Circle Image
Proje Sahibi : goknur
2860 gün önce
Güven Puanı : 50
1 proje girişi    |    0 işlemli    |    0 ödeme yapılmayan

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